Chihuahua State in Mexico – facts you may not know
Facts about Chihuahua state in Mexico that you may not be aware of.
- Chihuahua is Mexico’s largest state, with 94,571 sq mi [244,938 sq km] or 12.6 % of the national landmass. That’s about the size of the United Kingdom.
- The State has the Mexico’s longest international border: 938 kms [with the United States (New Mexico and Texas) / 30% of Mexico’s border with the US].
- Latitude north, 31°47′ to the north, 25°38′ to the south; longitude west, 103°18′ to the east, 109°07′ to the west.
- We have Mexico’s largest desert and the largest conifer forest. Our territory features vast prairies and plateaus.
- The Chihuahuan Desert, which sprawls over the Mexican states of Chihuahua and Coahuila and parts of the US states of New Mexico, Arizona and Texas, is the largest desert of North America with about 175,000 square miles.
- Chihuahua is home to the only bison herd in Mexico, one of the few remaining flocks of North America.
- The State’s highest altitude: 3,300 mts above sea level. The highest community: Creel, at 2,240 mts [7,349 feet] above sea level.
- Temperatures in the State vary from minus 20C in the sierra in winter to 46C in the desert in summer.
- Villa Ahumada, the desert region in Northern Chihuahua, has the record for the coldest temperature registered in Mexico, -23 F (-30 C) on January 1962.
- Chihuahua’s Copper Canyon is four times larger than the Colorado Canyon.
- The Naica Crystals, an impressive system of giant selenite crystals, are located in a mine 300 meters below ground, in Southern Chihuahua.
- Chihuahua Pacifico Railway crosses 86 tunnels and 37 bridges along 653 kilometers at altitudes in the Sierra Tarahumara of up to 2,500 meters [almost 8,000 feet] above sea level. A formidable engineering feat.
- Capital: Chihuahua
- Largest city: Ciudad Juárez
- Population: 3,331,200
- Municipalities: 67
- Chihuahua national GDP share: 4.4%
- Direct Foreign Investment: $1.34 billion [2006]