Is Mexico Safe?
When it comes to Mexico in American news, the images shown don’t always portray Mexico in the most favorable light. And unfortunately, this has led many Americans to believe that Mexico is far more dangerous than it actually is.
Truth: There’s More Crime in the US than in Mexico
Despite what sensationalized news stories may have you believe, Mexico’s crime rate isn’t nearly as high as the national crime rate in the US (or even that of the UK, Germany, France or even Russia). In fact, according to this bar graph, Mexico’s crime rate doesn’t even place it in the top 10 (it ranks number 12). But guess which country is number one? The USA.
USA TODAY examined FBI data — which defines a mass killing as four or more victims — as well as local police records and media reports to understand mass killings in America. They happen far more often than the USA government reports, and the circumstances of those killings — the people who commit them, the weapons they use and the forces that motivate them — are far more predictable than many might think.
Follow this link to a revealing article by USA TODAY – Behind the Bloodshed
Truth: Crime in Mexico Rarely Involves American Tourists
Though crime does exist in Mexico, it rarely involves American tourists, especially staying in or around Mexico’s major tourist destinations. According to FBI crime statistics, out of the 100,000 Americans who visited Mexico in 2010, just 4.8 were murdered. Orlando, Florida, home to Mickey Mouse and Shamu, however, saw 7.5 murders per 100,000 visitors.
Truth: There Were More Americans Killed in Houston in 2010 than in All of Mexico
It should also be noted that Mexico is a large country (it’s roughly the size of the UK, France, Germany, Spain and Italy combined). Thus, if you break down the murder rate by city, the rates are even smaller. The popular resort town Cancun, for example, saw just 1.83 Americans murdered in 2010. Houston, by comparison saw 143 murders per 100,000 or a rate of 6.8 – that means that there were over three times as many Americans killed in Houston in 2010 than were killed in all of Mexico (which is almost three times the size of Texas), according to stats provided by the FBI.
Truth: Nowhere is 100 Percent Safe
Though there are parts of Mexico that are more dangerous than others, it’s important to keep in mind that’s also true of any country. Most people know better than to wander alone through certain neighborhoods at night in say, New York City or New Orleans. Well, the same can be said of Puerto Vallarta, Panama City or even Paris. The secret to staying safe while traveling applies to every vacation destination (whether it be Copper Canyon, the Bahamas or even Orlando): Stay informed. Educate yourself about your destination prior to leaving, take any necessary precautions and stay alert. Do all three and the most dangerous thing you’ll likely encounter while in Mexico is an all-you-can eat taco buffet.
Visit our other company website, Amigo Trails, for private, safe and customized vacation packages through the Copper Canyon that are based on your time frame, activity level and interests.